Drugs, scientific classification
Insiicnia complies with international criteria of biomedical
classification of drugs since it has adopted as reference the 2015
edition of The Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification
System kindly provided to SIIC by WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug
Statistics Methodology (Oslo, Norway), under the World Health
Organization (WHO) (2)
SIIC adapts the ATC classification to the specific terminology of
Iberoamerican countries. The identification of terms with more than one
translation into Spanish is continuously done since the beginning of
The databases of different regulatory agencies of regional healthcare
industry and healthcare industry of crucial countries are frequently
checked in order to evaluate the guidelines currently in force in the
world. (3)
Insiicnia consults periodical specialized journals, vademecums, specific
publications of healthcare enterprises and institutions, bulletins of
professional associations, and diverse print brochures with
advertisements developed by private and public institutions related to
human health.