La Medicina del Lavoro, Italia
Editor: Pier Alberto Bertazzi
"LA MEDICINA DEL LAVORO" publishes original contributions, brief reports, reviews and ... letters related to the field of occupational health and industrial hygiene.
Rivista specializzata sui temi delle malattie occupazionali, igiene e tossicologia industriale, ergonomia, epidemiologia occupazionale, medicina ambientale. MdL contiene oltre alle rubriche fisse quali "Lettere in redazione", "Notiziario" e "Recensioni", un altro spazio, meno sistematico ("Appunti di metodo"), con contributi relativi a tecniche e metodi di igiene e medicina del lavoro.
Indizada por: Index Medicus/MEDLINE, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Abstracts on Hygiene, Industrial Hygiene Digest, Securité et Santé au Travail Bit-CIS, SIIC Data Bases
Lung India, India
Indian Chest SocietyBB SIIC. Ingreso: 2009
Editor: S. K. Jindal
Lung India was launched as the official journal of the Indian ... Chest Society.
On the 7th of February 1982 the Governing Council of the Society met and decided that the Journal could be published from Madras. The task of editing and publishing the Journal was entrusted to Dr. C.V. Ramakrishnan of Madras. He was later given a modest sum of Rs. 4000/- and was asked to bring out the Journal before that year's conference scheduled for September 1982.
On the 9th of June 1982, the Journal office started functioning in a room of Dr. Ramakrishnan's house in Madras with a borrowed typewriter and a part time typist on a monthly salary of Rs. 300/-.
On 15th June 1982 the name "Lung India" was coined for the Journal and its logo was designed.The BNK press, Vadapalani, Madras- 600026 was chosen as printers.
On the 18th July 1982, Dr. C.V. Ramakrishnan as editor and publisher of the Journal along with Mr. B.K.Nayak, manager of BNK press appeared before the chief Presidency Magistrate, Madras and obtained legal permission for registration & publication of the journal from Madras. The process of collecting articles, getting them reviewed, correcting and editing, and final printing of the Journal went through in stages and the journal was ready by August 15th of that year.
On 21st August 1982 vol. 1 (no. 1) the first issue of "Lung India" was released at a formal function held at the Madras Medical College conference hall by Dr. H.V.Hande, the then Health Minister of Tamil Nadu. The publication of the first issue coincided with the centenary year of the discovery of tubercle bacilli and the Journal was dedicated to the memory of that great medical scientist Robert Koch. Dr. S.R.Kamat the then secretary of the Indian Chest Society specially came from Mumbai to participate and give the inaugural speech at the journal release function. From that eventful day "Lung India" has carried on its regular publication for nearly 18 years. it has a wide circulation and readership.
The mantle of editorship over these years had fallen on the shoulders of committed medical men. The names of successive editors and the periods they served the Journal and the Society are listed below:
Name of Physician Place Period Position Held
Dr. C.V.Ramakrishnan Madras 1981-1985 Editor
Dr. C.V.Ramakrishnan Madras 1986-1990 Executive Editor
Dr. C.N.Deivanayagan Madras 1986-1990 Editor
Dr. V.K.Vijayan Madras 1991-1999 Editor
Dr. S.R.Kamat Mumbai 1991-1999 Executive Editor
Dr. P.S.Shankar Mumbai 1999-2000 Editor
Dr. P. Ravindran Thiruvananthapuran 2001-2004 Editor
Dr. S. K. Jindal Chandigarh 2004-onwards Editor
The starting and publication of the Journal has been a gigantic task. It is not only a boon to respiratory specialists and post graduates in the country, but also a tower of strength for keeping the Indian Chest Society flag flying high.
It needs to be strengthened with adequate and further inputs to bring out future issues of the Journal without any breaks. "Lung India" which is the symbol of the Indian Chest Society should keep up its high standards.
Indizada por: Caspur, DOAJ, EBSCO, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Expanded Academic ASAP, Genamics Journal Seek, Global Health, Google Scholar, Health and Wellness Research Center, Health Reference Center Academic, Hinari, Index Copernicus, Indian Science Abstracts, IndMed, MANTIS, MedInd, OpenJGate, PrimoCentral, ProQuest, PubMed, SCOLOAR, SIIC Data Bases, Summon by Serial Solutions, Ulrich' International Periodical Directory, Index Medicus for South-East Asian Region, Pubmed Central
Medicina Buenos Aires, Argentina
Sociedad Argentina de Investigación ClínicaEditor: Basilio A. Kotsias
Indizada por: Biological Abstracts, Index Medicus/MEDLINE, MEDLINE, CABI Publishing, Elsevier, Scopus, EMBASE, Excerpta Medica, Latindex, Biblioteca Virtual en Salud - BVS, Google Scholar, SIIC Data Bases
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, EE.UU.
American Society of Plastic SurgeonsBB SIIC. Ingreso: 2018
Editor: Rod J. Rohrich
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery® is the one consistently excellent reference for ... every specialist who uses plastic surgery techniques or works in conjunction with a plastic surgeon. The journal brings readers up-to-the-minute reports on the latest techniques and follow-up for maxillofacial reconstruction, burn repair, cosmetic reshaping, as well as news on medicolegal issues. The cosmetic section provides expanded coverage on new procedures and techniques.
Indizada por: Biosciences Information Service of Biological Abstracts (BIOSIS), Chemical Abstracts, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Index Medicus/MEDLINE, ISI/Biomed, Research Alert, DOAJ, SIIC Data Bases
Prensa Médica Argentina, Argentina
Editor: Pablo A. López
Indizada por: Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, LILACS, SIIC Data Bases
Radiographics, EE.UU.
Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)Editor: Jeffrey S. Klein
The primary mission of RadioGraphics is to publish the best in ... peer-reviewed educational material, emphasizing that presented at the annual meeting of the RSNA, for radiologists, trainees, physicists, and other radiologic professionals.
RadioGraphics is included in the RSNA Index to Imaging Literature, a cumulative subject and author index of 40 radiologic journals, available online at RSNA Index free of charge.
Indizada por: Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, Index Medicus/MEDLINE, SIIC Data Bases
Radiology, EE.UU.
Radiological Society of North AmericaEditor: David A. Bluemke
Radiology, a monthly journal devoted to clinical radiology and allied sciences, ... is owned and published by the Radiological Society of North America, Inc (RSNA).
Published regularly since 1923, Radiology has long been recognized as the authoritative reference for the most current, clinically relevant, and highest quality research in the field of radiology. Each month the journal publishes 296 pages of peer-reviewed original research, authoritative reviews, well-balanced commentary on significant articles, and expert opinion on new techniques and technologies. Other features of interest to radiologists and allied scientists include abstracts of current medical literature, the Scientific Program of the RSNA annual meeting (accompanying the November issue), and the RSNA Index to Imaging Literature, the 3-year cumulative index to Radiology, RadioGraphics, and 38 other radiologic journals. Circulation exceeds 35,000, giving Radiology the largest readership of any journal in the field; 25% of the readers are from outside the United States.
Radiology is included in the RSNA Index to Imaging Literature, a cumulative subject and author index of 40 radiologic journals. Subscribers to the journal are able to access the RSNA Index free of charge.
Indizada por: Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, Index Medicus, SIIC Data Bases
Revista Brasileira de Medicina, Brasil
Editor: Joaquim Prado P de Moraes
A Revista Brasileira de Medicina, é publicada mensalmente pela Moreira Jr. ... Editora Ltda. e destina-se a divulgar a investigação médica brasileira, por meio da publicação de artigos originais de estudos clínicos e experimentais, considerador de bom nível científico, realizados em nosso meio. Atuar como instrumento do ENsino continuado em Medicina, estimulando e promovendo a publicação de artigos de atualização e revisão sistemática e de metanálise, escritor por convite por especialistas reconhecidos. Atuar, por meio de cartas dirigidas ao Editor, como fórum para a documentação de experiencias pessoais e debates de interesse médico.científico.
Indizada por: LILACS, Excerpta Medica, Periodical Directory, SIIC Data Bases, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Tropical Diseases Bulletin, Prensa Medical Mundial, Bibliografia Brasileira de Medicina e Database Global Health
Revista Colombiana de Cardiología, Colombia
Sociedad Colombiana de Cardiología y Cirugía CardiovascularBB SIIC. Ingreso: 2010
Editor: Darío Echeverri Arcila
La REVISTA COLOMBIANA DE CARDIOLOGIA es una publicación oficial de la ... Sociedad Colombiana de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular, de emisión bimestral que inició su circulación ininterrumpida en 1985.
El principal objetivo de la Revista es la difusión de la actividad científica, investigativa, académica y administrativa de los miembros de la Sociedad y de los profesionales médicos o vinculados con el área de la salud, sean nacionales o extranjeros, que estén trabajando en el campo de la Cardiología y ciencias afines. La revista publica artículos originales clínicos y experimentales sobre enfermedades cardiovasculares, reportes sobre terapéutica médica y quirúrgica, cardiología pediátrica, estudios cooperativos, epidemiología, estudios de medicamentos, métodos diagnósticos, reportes de casos clínicos, cartas al editor y editoriales, así como los resúmenes de investigaciones originales presentadas a los congresos de la Sociedad Colombiana de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular.
La Revista Colombiana de Cardiología tiene un tiraje de 2000 ejemplares y es distribuido a nivel nacional e internacional a sociedades científicas, clínicas, hospitales, universidades, bibliotecas del sistema nacional de información, laboratorios farmacéuticos, suscriptores, médicos internistas y miembros activos de la sociedad.
Indizada por: Scielo, Publindex, Biblioteca Virtual en Salud - BVS, SIIC Data Bases
Revista de Nefrología, Diálisis y Trasplante, Argentina
Asociación Regional de Diálisis y Transplantes Renales de Cap. Fed. y Prov. de Bs. As.Editor: Carlos Alberto Lavorato
Indizada por: LILACS, SIIC Data Bases, EMBASE, Science Citation Index Expanded, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition