Dermatología Argentina, Argentina
Sociedad Argentina de DermatologíaBB SIIC. Ingreso: 2007
Editor: Alejandra Abeldaño
Dermatología Argentina es la publicación oficial de la Sociedad Argentina de ... Dermatología. Publica artículos originales e inéditos sobre la especialidad.
Indizada por: SIIC Data Bases
Dermatologic Surgery, EE.UU.
American Society for Dermatologic Surgery y otrosEditor: William Coleman, MD
Exclusively devoted to dermatologic surgery, the Dermatologic Surgery journal publishes the ... most clinically comprehensive and up-to-date information in its field. This unique monthly journal provides todays most expansive and in-depth coverage of cosmetic and reconstructive skin surgery and skin cancer through peer-reviewed original articles, extensive illustrations, case reports, ongoing features, literature reviews and correspondence.
Dermatologica Sinica, Taiwán (Republica Nacionalista China)
Taiwanese Dermatological Association y otroBB SIIC. Ingreso: 2010
Editor: Yu-Hung Wu
The Dermatologica Sinica aims to publish high quality scientific research in ... the field of dermatology, with the goal of promoting and disseminating medical science knowledge to improve global health. Articles on clinical, laboratory and social research in dermatology and other related fields that are of interest to the medical profession are eligible for consideration. Review articles, original articles, case reports, short communications, and letters to the editor are accepted
Indizada por: SIIC Data Bases
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift, Alemania
Editor: Volker Hirschel
Diabetes & Metabolism, Francia
l'Association de Langue Française pour l'Étude du Diabète et des Maladies Métaboliques (ALFEDIAM)Editor: P. J. Guillausseau
Diabetes & Metabolism contains original articles, short reports and comprehensive reviews. ... The latter are updates written by internationally recognized specialists carefully edited in order to help clinicians and researchers keep informed about the latest developments in the field of diabetes.
Diabetes Educator, EE.UU.
American Association of Diabetes EducatorsEditor: James A. Fain
The Diabetes Educator is the official publication of the American Association ... of Diabetes Educators. Its primary purpose is to publish papers on aspects of patient education, professional education, and serve as a reference for the science and art of diabetes management. We invite contributions of original research, perspectives in practice, and application in such areas as nutrition, pharmacy, psychosocial aspects of diabetes, and health care policy. Subscription to The Diabetes Educator is a member benefit.
Indizada por: Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, MEDLINE, Science Citation Index Expanded, Scopus, SIIC Data Bases
Diabetes Internacional y Endocrinología, Venezuela
Sociedad Interamericana de DiabetesBB SIIC. Ingreso: 2011
Editor: Manuel Velazco
La revista Diabetes Internacional es una publicacion biomédica periódica, arbitrada de ... aparición trimestral, destinada a promover la productividad cientifica de la comunidad nacional e internacional en el área de Diabetes y enfermedades relacionadas, asi como todas aquellas publicaciones vinculadas a la medicina práctica en esta area
Indizada por: SIIC Data Bases
Diabetes Review Argentina,
Editor: Maximiliano Pantano
Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, Reino Unido
Editor: R. Donnelly y otro
Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism is primarily a journal of clinical and ... experimental pharmacology and therapeutics covering the interrelated areas of diabetes, obesity and metabolism. The journal prioritises high-quality original research that reports on the effects of new or existing therapies, including dietary, exercise and lifestyle (non-pharmacological) interventions, in any aspect of metabolic and endocrine disease, either in humans or animal and cellular systems. 'Metabolism' may relate to lipids, bone and drug metabolism, or broader aspects of endocrine dysfunction. Preclinical pharmacology, pharmacokinetic studies, meta-analyses and those addressing drug safety and tolerability are also highly suitable for publication in this journal. Original research may be published as a main paper or as a research letter.
The journal also invites review articles that are balanced, comprehensive and provide new and/or critical analysis of any aspect of drug therapy (or non-pharmacological intervention) relevant to patients with diabetes, obesity or metabolic disorders. The journal will also consider publication of letters to the editor commenting on research already published in the journal, as well as manuscripts describing new hypotheses or clinical trial protocols.
Indizada por: Abstracts on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases, Academic Search, Academic Search Premier, Animal Breeding Abstracts, CAB Abstracts, CAB Health, CSA Biological Sciences Database, CSA Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management Database, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, EMBASE, Food Science and Technology Abstracts, Global Health, IBIDS, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, MEDLINE, Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews, CABI Publishing, Science Citation Index Expanded, Tropical Diseases Bulletin, SIIC Data Bases
Diabetic Medicine, Reino Unido
British Diabetic AssociationBB SIIC. Ingreso: 2005
Editor: Richard I.G. Holt
Diabetic Medicine is an information exchange on all aspects of diabetes ... mellitus and aims to publish reviews and original articles in the fields of diabetes research and practice. It particularly focuses on basic and applied research of direct relevance to clinical diabetes and its scope ranges from fundamental research to delivery of better health care. The journal provides a multidisciplinary forum combining original articles, comprehensive reviews of research and clinical issues, comment, news and correspondence.
Diabetic Medicine includes a thrice yearly feature devoted to Postgraduate Education. This features, among other things, clinical practice questions in which an invited expert provides a commentary on a reader's question, summarising current 'best evidence' and suggesting best practice where evidence is weak. To post a question to the Continuing Education panel you must be a registered healthcare professional.
Indizada por: Index Medicus/MEDLINE, Science Citation Index, SIIC Data Bases